WordPress – Add Custom Content Plugin

Editing posts directly within the wordpress editor can be a nuisance when wordpress inserts ‘p’ tags and the like. Sometimes I want to edit HTML in actual HTML editor which allows me greater control over the presentation of the content.

To facilitate this I have added a plugin which inserts HTML from a custom file based on the post id.

Content is added a file within the ‘custom’ folder:

This file can be edited and viewed in a standard HTML editor. The number within the file name is the post id which can be found from url’s and other ways. When the content is shown, the content within the wordpress editor is shown first followed by the content within the file.

Here is the plugin code as to date:

 * Plugin Name:       Include Custom Content
 * Plugin URI:        https://dalestake.com/2019/11/26/wordpress-add-custom-content-plugin/
 * Description:       Inserts files stored in 'Custom/Content/' into the content section (ie within the body of the post)
 * Version:           0.1
 * Author:            Dale Anderson
 * Author URI:        NA
 * License:           GPL v2 or later
 * License URI:       https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * Text Domain:       include-custom-content

// Check if a custom content file exists... 

add_filter('the_content', 'InsertCustomContent');
function InsertCustomContent($content)
    $CurID = get_the_ID();
    $FilePath = get_stylesheet_directory()."\Custom\Content\Custom-Content-".$CurID.".php";

    if(file_exists ( $FilePath))
        $content = $content.file_get_contents($FilePath);
        $content = $content;
    return $content;

My intent is to make adjustments to allow similar files to be included such as scripts and css.


WordPress – Add Custom Content Plugin

Editing posts directly within the wordpress editor can be a nuisance when wordpress inserts ‘p’ tags and the like. Sometimes I want to edit HTML in actual HTML editor which allows me greater control over the presentation of the content.

To facilitate this I have added a plugin which inserts HTML from a custom file based on the post id.

Content is added from a file within the ‘custom’ folder:

This file can be edited and viewed in a standard HTML editor. The number within the file name is the post id which can be found from url’s and other ways. When the content is shown, the content within the wordpress editor is shown first followed by the content within the file.

Here is the plugin code as to date:

 * Plugin Name:       Include Custom Content
 * Plugin URI:        https://dalestake.com/2019/11/26/wordpress-add-custom-content-plugin/
 * Description:       Inserts files stored in 'Custom/Content/' into the content section (ie within the body of the post)
 * Version:           0.1
 * Author:            Dale Anderson
 * Author URI:        NA
 * License:           GPL v2 or later
 * License URI:       https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * Text Domain:       include-custom-content

// Check if a custom content file exists... 

$BaseCustomDir = "";
$CurID = "";
$FilePath = "";

function CheckForCustomContent()
	global $BaseCustomDir;
	global $CurID;
	global $FilePath;
	// A folder for custom files is manually added to the appropriate location
	$BaseCustomDir = get_stylesheet_directory()."/Custom";
	// The post id is used to correctly identify the files to include
	$CurID = get_the_ID(); 
	$FilePath = $BaseCustomDir."/custom-css/custom-css-".$CurID.".css";

	// Only want to include custom content when a single post is being shown 
	if( is_singular() )
		// Check for custom CSS files. Link if file exists.
		if(file_exists ( $FilePath))
			$RelFilePath = get_stylesheet_directory_uri()."/Custom/custom-css/custom-css-".$CurID.".css";
			// Custom CSS file exists so it is included 
			<!-- Custom CSS via plugin -->
			<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $RelFilePath; ?>" />
		// Check for custom content. Link if file exists. Filename must be exact. 
		$FilePath = $BaseCustomDir."/Custom-content/custom-content-".$CurID.".php";
		//error_log("FilePath before insert content function: ".$FilePath);
		if(file_exists ( $FilePath))
			//error_log("FilePath for content: ".$FilePath);
			add_filter('the_content', 'InsertCustomContent');	

My intent is to make adjustments to allow similar files to be included such as scripts and also to allow control over where the content is placed.

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