R for StatisticsProgramming

R – Importing Excel file – R for Statistics

Information sourced from: https://datatofish.com/import-excel-r/

Install package: install.packages("readxl")

Make sure package is selected: library("readxl")

Use ‘read_excel’  to read the file:
read_excel("Path where your Excel file is stored\\File Name.xlsx",sheet = "Your sheet name")

Alternatively, set the working directory as the location where the file is located and omit the filepath so only the filename is required.

Assign it to a variable like this:
data_set = read_excel("Path where your Excel file is stored\\File Name.xlsx",sheet = "Your sheet name")

NOTE: Excel file needs to be closed for R to open the file.


# Only run 'install' when/if needed
# install.packages("readxl")
read_excel("File_Path\\File_Name.xlsx",sheet = "Sheet_Name")

# Or...set to desired variable
data_set = read_excel("File_Path\\File_Name.xlsx",sheet = "Sheet_Name")

This site: https://appsilon.com/r-and-excel/
discusses some extra points such as specifying range and also using ‘BERT’ from Excel to access R functionality from Excel

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