VBA – Excel – Routine to position shapes in range
Routine to position shapes in worksheet based on specified ranges.
Note: Can use ‘print shape name‘ routine to create required list. See snippet below.
[code language=”vb”]
Sub RunPlaceShapeInRange()
‘Routine to place specified shape in specified range
Dim CWS As Worksheet
Set CWS = ChartSht ‘Change this to specific worksheet object
‘Uncomment line below to specify worksheet name
‘Set CWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WorksheetName")
Call PlaceShapeInRange("Shape No1", "D2:G4", CWS)
End Sub
Sub PlaceShapeInRange(ShapeName As String, RangeStr As String, InWS As Worksheet)
‘Routine to place specified shape in specified range. Run from: RunPlaceShapeInRange
Dim CShape As Shape
Dim CRange As Range
Set CShape = InWS.Shapes(ShapeName)
Set CRange = InWS.Range(RangeStr)
CShape.Left = CRange.Left
CShape.Top = CRange.Top
CShape.Width = CRange.Width
CShape.Height = CRange.Height
End Sub
To position a lot of shapes (which is the main point of this routine), a list can be quickly generated using the ‘print shape names‘ routine and inserting something like:
[code language=”vb”]
Debug.Print "Call PlaceShapeInRange(" & Chr(34) & CShape.Name & Chr(34) & ", " & Chr(34) & "Range" & Chr(34) & ", CWS)"
in the appropriate position. This will produce something like:
Call PlaceShapeInRange(“SalesChart”, “Range”, CWS)
Call PlaceShapeInRange(“Salesman”, “Range”, CWS)
Call PlaceShapeInRange(“Current (Y/N)”, “Range”, CWS)
Which then requires the specified range to be typed in.
[code language=”vb”]
Sub RunPlaceShapeInRange()
‘Routine to place specified shape in specified range
Dim CWS As Worksheet
Set CWS = ChartSht ‘Change this to specific worksheet object
‘Uncomment line below to specify worksheet name
‘Set CWS = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("WorksheetName")
Call PlaceShapeInRange("SalesChart", "I6:V38", CWS)
Call PlaceShapeInRange("Salesman", "F6:G25", CWS)
Call PlaceShapeInRange("Current (Y/N)", "F40:G44", CWS)
Call PlaceShapeInRange("Year", "I2:P4", CWS)
Call PlaceShapeInRange("Acc size", "X2:AF4", CWS)
End Sub